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art creative exchange Festival installation marketing networking resoources River Theatre Video workshop
Find out more about our latest adventures and see how our work is developing
art creative exchange Festival installation marketing networking resoources River Theatre Video workshop
During Lockdowns, when we weren’t able to engage people in the community with the wider Take Part project, we worked with schools in Queen’s Park to provide free art packs to children at home who might not otherwise have access to even basic art materials. Between July – December 2020 we provided 448 art packs to students on Pupil Premium at three schools in Bedford (Queens Park…
For one week only – Saturday 23rd October to Friday 29thOctober – residents of Queen’s Park benefited from a free pop up café offering fun activities for half term. The free event, at the community centre, gave residents the chance to try out arts and crafts while enjoying some tea and cake. The café continued to…
As part of our Take Part Queen’s Park art project, we’ve launched a brand-new campaign called Make & Share. This is your opportunity to get involved and showcase your talents. We are also exploring the mindfulness benefits that making and creating can have on our well-being. Expressing your creativity makes you feel good and you can do that through cooking up a storm,…
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