Our Team

Our core team is supported by artists and freelancers on a project by project basis.

Elaine Midgley


Elaine is Director of Bedford Creative Arts where she leads a team of staff, artists and freelancers that enable BCA to manage and deliver its diverse community-based programme of arts projects and activities. 

Ami Aubrey

Programme Producer

Ami is our artistic lead – devising our strategic programme with artists and communities. Ami has a passion for engaging communities. Her background includes working in film and she has a specialism in producing innovative digital projects.

Bex Foskett

Company & Projects Manager

Bex leads on project management of the artistic programme – overseeing project administration, production and logistics. She also handles company administration. Bex has previously worked for over 10 years with theatres in London and Edinburgh.

Maria Minett

Finance Manager

As the Finance Manager here at BCA, Maria handles company income and expenditure and accountancy. She’s a Chartered Accountant and has worked both in audit and industry.

Isaac Aguma

Projects Assistant

Isaac is our Projects Assistant at BCA, working alongside the producing team to support us with a variety of tasks. Previously, Isaac co-founded an arts Organisation in Uganda called Tambularts with the aim of creating more value, advocating for equal representation as well as improving accessibility to the arts.