Refugee Week
The BCA programme for Refugee Week Bedford 2019 featured Red Ink by Wayward Thread, a film of the work Asma by Theatre Témoin and Love from Syria by Roshi Nasehi.
Artists & Associates
World Refugee day is on 20th June each year. Refugee Week is a nationwide arts and culture festival which celebrates the contribution of refugees across the UK and creates a better understanding between different communities. Refugee Week is typically scheduled around the 20th June.
This year, Bedford Creative Arts worked in partnership with two regional and one national venue to programme two art installations; Asma by Theatre Témoin and Love From Syria by Roshi Nasehi. The launch event at The Higgins Bedford featured music by a local refugee group from the Kings Arms Project led by Phil Mullen. Love from Syria went on to be presented at the Migration Matters Festival in Sheffield.
We also presented “Red INK” by Wayward Thread, a dance performance at The Place Bedford on 19 June, which completely sold out. Tickets went like wildfire at other venues too and is testament to the anticipation for up-and-coming British-Asian choreographer Si Rawlinson’s first full-length touring production.