We have a long history of working with schools and education providers to ensure children & young people in Bedfordshire have access to arts & culture.
Our major commissions always embed cultural education, usually in partnership with a school or college.
Explore examples of our work below.

Advice for Schools
If you’d like to work with BCA on a project or seek advice on cultural education including Artsmark or Arts Award then contact
If you are a school in need of an artist or cultural provider then you can also access The Culture Challenge website and check out the Directory of cultural providers for inspiration.
Resources for schools
As part of the Airship Dreams project, we worked with Shortstown Primary School on the Airship Dreamers Club.
We developed resources for schools to help them bring the airships to life.
Advice for artists working in schools
If you are an artist preparing to work with a school, then there is valuable advice on The Culture Challenge website.
We also have some useful videos that offer advice on how to get yourself “School Ready”, focusing on:
- Networking and pitching
- Ready for schools
- Promoting your offer to schools
- Making the most of what you have
If you need any further assistance, then please email us on