New POP Art Window at Wellbeing
Media Studio!
We have partnered with artist and producer Talia Giles of Pride Of Place (POP) Bedford to breathe new life into Bedford’s empty high street shops through art. On Thursday 23 November 2023 we launched our latest Pop Art window, at the Wellbeing Media Studio. It features visually striking paintings from Bedford-based artist Greta Andreica.
Greta is a Romanian artist, born in 1957 in a little village in Romania called Dobrin. Her art explores themes of freedom, protest, honesty, and truth, urging viewers to reflect on their own beliefs and embrace their individual voices.
We would like to thank Dr Audrey Tang, Chartered Psychologist and founder of Wellbeing Media Studio, for allowing us to enliven her window space with the art of local talents. We invite you all to visit the window exhibit, which will be in place until January 2024.

POP Art is delivered in partnership with Pride of Place Bedford and Bedford Creative Arts. This project is made possible thanks to Bedford Borough Council’s Town Centre Priority Fund.