Bedford Producer Hub 2023/2024 – Cohort applications open
Are you an emerging or early-career self-producing artist, arts producer, event organiser, creative programmer or cultural education practitioner based or working in Bedford Borough?
Bedford Producer Hub aims to support practitioners creating a diverse range of projects which benefit local participants and audiences and are relevant to local needs and wants.
We are recruiting a cohort of up to 10 practitioners who are looking for sustained support to develop their projects and careers.
Between November 2023 and July 2024, we are offering a free programme of 5 face to face gatherings, regular one-to-one advice, 4 networking events and 4 learning seminars.
Practitioners who become part of the 23-24 cohort will also receive a mini-commission bursary as match funding towards their developing projects.
If you are interested in joining the 23-24 cohort the application process is simple. Please send us a written proposal (no more than two-sides A4), a video or audio proposal (no more than five minutes) to producerhub@bedfordcreativearts.org.uk by 9am on Monday 6th November.
Your proposal should give us a short background to you and your work, what you would hope to gain from being part of the 23-24 cohort and what project you would like to focus on – this can be at an early concept stage or more fully developed but would benefit from
the support of experienced arts professionals.
We welcome applications from all people, and we are keen to ensure the 23-24 cohort is representative of Bedford’s diverse communities. We look forward to hearing from you.
About Producer Hub
The Producer Hub is an initiative run by 1DegreeEast, a producer-led arts organisation that supports artists, producers, and programmers to create high-quality work through mentoring and advice to develop projects and produce new work. The Bedford Producer Hub is delivered in partnership with Bedford Creative Arts, a contemporary arts charity dedicated to commissioning high-quality art for, with and inspired by communities and working with artists to explore new developments in socially engaged art practice. Together they aim to enable creativity and nurture talent in Bedford.