Emmylou Shine
Emmylou uses a mixture of acrylics and water soluble oils on canvas to produce her artwork. She enjoys meditating with a feeling and writing the words that may come up on the canvas. Once the words are painted on, she simply goes into a ‘frenzy,’ whilst listening to evoking music, producing the drips, and covering the entire canvas. The colours I choose are dependent on my emotions. Once the drips have been applied, I decide what landscape fits the feeling.
Her paintings tell the story of her struggles to live in a human-based-world but have nature as her refuge. Each emotion that comes up that is painted with her blunt words slowly disappears with the drips of release and is made into a heart-felt piece of art that draws the viewer in. It connects the scary man made with the safe nature for me. Its two worlds coexisting together that gives her calm and a place of belonging.